Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Monday, June 29, 2015

Who Speaks for God?

Who speaks for God?
Scripture is designed to inspire us to live lovingly, with mercy, forgiveness, resilience and compassion, no  matter the setbacks and suffering. .
Scripture is NOT given us to judge others.  Jesus warned of this temptation at least three times.
The only universal truth for everyone is that there is "that of God" in each of us.  Period. No one is entitled to judge the religious path of another. Twelve of our original 13 colonies endured much hardship to establish this freedom.
Anything else is the use of God against others, which is the sad and tragic history of all organized religion.  It is also evil and supportive of the dark side, harming the beloved community among us.
Christians used scripture to justify the abomination of slavery for 19 centuries.
The main source of violence in the world today is the use of belief in God, concepts from scripture, against other humans.
Rev. Dr. Paschal Baute, Amazing Grace Chapek, Celtic Christian Chuirch, Lexington, Ky


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