Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Love, in the Celtic View

In the Celtic view, the mystery of God is found everywhere, in nature, in humans, in love and family, relationships and connectedness, community and stories. The Passionate heart is revered.

When lovers gaze at each other, they are discovering the delight that God takes in us, through loving. The basic force in the Universe is Relational Aliveness or Love. When we are in loving, within loving, we are soaked and surrounded by that Mystery.

In Celtic spirituality we have not simply seven sacraments, but every thing is sacramental, every moment is a holy moment capable of being transcended by loving, The Ultimate is “hidden” , a thin veil. We walk in Mystery and live in Mystery.

“Since Love is Lord of heaven and earth, how can we keep from singing? “ - Hymn.


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