Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

2. Who Speaks for God?

2. Who Speaks for God?
Each faith  journey is unique as every brain is unique.
To tell another what they should believe is not from this mystery we call God. It arises only from an idolatry of one's own belief, the view that others must believe  the same.
Idolatry in religion, particularly in organized religion is common. We have creeds, cods and cult or prescribed ways of worship which must be observed., honored and followed by "true" believers.
When the Nicene Creed was developed on orders from the Emperor, bishops and priests became organizational functionaries to preach Orthodoxy.
This is the moment that burning of synagogues began, with burning of  pagan libraries and persecution of other Christians exploded. An estimated 25,000 Christians were killed by other Christians in the next few centuries. This persecution culminated in the expulsion of the Greek Orthodox, the long Inquisition, and the religious wars of Europe, and continues today.
Orthodoxy decaled the four trust of Jesus would prevail: "born of a virgin, suffered, died and rose again. No longer was the message and truth of Jesus' actual life need study and imitation. The value of the personal spiritual journey was aborted.,. except for monks and dedicated begins and mystics.
Lesson: No one can tell another what or how to believe. Unless the faith journey is personal, it cannot be authentic, discovered and owned from inside out. Orthodoxy is the most subtle and hidden of all heresies because it too easily subverts the personal spiritual journey. "Just believe this and you are save ed."


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