Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Obama and Negativity.

I am disappointed in the negative reactions thrown out so freely with no competing solution being offered.  But of course, isn’t that the same case for Health Care, Minimum wage, Poverty-in-general, Social Security, Tax Reform, etc., etc ". 

Paschal’s response:
 We live in a very negative society.
We are primed to believe the worst about anyone,,
not to ask or explore or search where that info came from.
and, further,
we live inside the world we create by what we focus on.
so, without mindfulness, we are always self-justifying,
seeing and finding what we are looking for:.
the cup is half full or half empty.
“Two men looked out from prison bars:
one saw mud, the other saw stars.”
“my cup flows over” Ps. 23.

We do not see the world as sit is,
we see the world AS WE AR
always biased, for good or bad.
Psychology 101:
“Perception is selective.”.


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