Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Cultural Envelole

To use the Bible to quote "God" in the current issue of same sex marriage is to misuse the Bible. The Bible,  contrary to views of conservative Christians,  was not intended to speak clearly or unambiguously to every human problem and issue that could ever emerge.

All biblical writers believed the earth was flat. They had no recognition that slavery was deeply wrong and offensive. They had no idea that women could be equal to men. None of them could ever conceive of a society built upon human rights. Every view in the Bible was shaped by the ancient world view of the writers.

Every word in every scripture comes inside a cultural envelope. To use the Bible to condemn same sex marriage is as wrong as to use the Bible, as was done for 18 centuries  to justify slavery and condemn Jews. Those examples are only the most egregious of times when the Bible was used in a hidden idolatry to resist social changes.

Even the devil quotes scripture today for purposes of great harm  and violence against innocent people.

Paschal Baute


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