Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Faith is most creative in darkness.

Faith is most creative in darkness.
If it weren't for my legal blindness starting five years ago, I would not have qualified for the VA training in computers for blind Veterans, undertaken at Hines Blind Rehab Center in October of 2012. 

If it were not for that training, I would not have stated writing my first book, my spiritual memoir in 2013. If not for that, I would not have produced a guide for learning resilience in dealing with my own dark places , both growing up and as an adult.  Resilience of a Dream Catcher, written for my Veteran brothers and sizes, would not have been conceived, and even if conceived, not enabled.

If not for that practice in using Zoom Text on this new laptop, and learning to format for kindle and print, I would not have written he books not available on kindle and in print, on CreateSpace and

If not for that striving  in using stories, while continuing in Spellbinders storytelling, I would not have conceived my children's book.  Without my grandkids serious health issues and setbacks, I would not have conceived a story for special needs kids. Without my own blindness, I would not have also designed the story for adults.

Therefore ,  my blindness has both allowed and spurred my heart to, hopefully, reach many with a message of hope, courage and resilience.
Faith is most creative when it finds itself in darkness:  Celtic Grace: Thin Places.  "Life is not a problem to be solved. Life is a mystery to be lived.
"Out of the depths, I cry to Thee, O Lord…My soul waits for the Lord s the night watchman waits for the dawn. Ps 130.


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