Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Let me count the ways--underserved all.

Let me count the ways
My Lord has loved me, so undeservedly all.
In my conception and life in the womb; in my parent's love, in my birth and family circumstances; in each of my siblings, in early childhood.
In my lost innocence due to Roman Catholic training in fear and sinfulness; in the loneliness of my childhood; In my father's bullying and anger; in my mother's love and care; in my all my teacher's in grade school, and especially in Sister Mary Philippa Henderson, my 8th grade teacher, Sister of Loretto, who more than anyone saved my hope and spurred my courage.
In my boarding school experiences, classmates, teachers, opportunities and sports.
In my loving to push myself in running, and later sports competition, and in life.
In my parents failed marriage, in my father's failures and in my own many failures;

In my encounter with Soviet Communism ism at the beginning of the Cold War, which changed my life;
In all my experiences at the University of Notre Dame which also greatly shaped my life;
In my U.S. Army experience on the island of Guam and that of a Navy Chaplain for nine years; 
In my giving myself to this mystery we call God in the monastic life for 16 years, in all that happened, including the long continued bullying of the Abbot also experienced by many other monks;.
In my faith and hope and courage, somehow sustained;
In my being born in these United States, in gratitude for well over a million of my brothers and sisters who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms
In my experience at Loyola of Chicago and many persons and choice of research;
In my discovery of a fellowship and scholarship allowing the pursuit of a doctorate;
In my agonizing decision to follow Christ outside organized religion, in the trenches;
In my coming to Kentucky and meeting Janette and our incredible love and adventures and life an family together;

In the sustaining friendship of Rick Reckman and our ten years of association with the OPA annual retreat on spirituality;

In the courage and resilience of my daughter Michelle and her husband Joe.

In the amazing  26 years of personal sharing and collaborative interfaith ministry of the members of our Spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky and our mutual sustained energy for this project.
In the blessing of awesome friends: John M, John G, Charlie E, Charlie T,  Moe, Cait, Joe, Ann, Ed, Aileen, Patricia adn Oscar, Walt and Atha, Guido and Doris, and Betty,;
In the digital graphic genius of Grant Aumiller and Peggy McAllister for  my Lottie Mae story;; 
In the striving of 20,000 grandmothers and grandfathers back to the beginning of the human race;
In being born at this particular time in our history with all its technology and chaos;
In my ability to reach and touch many persons in my counseling practice and community undertakings'
In three beautiful grandchildren:Adam, Quinn and Chloe;
In my blindness which has brought via VA training, many blessings and the tools to keep on loving others now through writing.
I live in gratitude, joy and ongoing surrender to Mystery despite my own dark places

Having been the recipient of so many undeserved blessings, is it any wonder that I must spend the rest of my life giving back?  Noblesse Oblige. (to whom is given much, much is is expected)

Do you, perhaps, have a similar litany of grace and praise?

"My soul magnifies the Lord,. My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, for He who is mighty has done great things to me." (Luke 1:46 f)


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