Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Saturday, August 08, 2015

What is the best evidence for this mystery some call God?

What is the best evidence for this mystery some call God?
It is the generous love and caring extended to those in difficulty, in harm's way, hurt, injured, broken, outcast, and forgotten.
When those who are hurting experience the loving care of friends and sometimes even strangers, they know that hope is not a lost cause. Love can still be found even in dark places.
Even in great pain and a sense of being overwhelmed with setback, the loving caring of one person can make a huge difference.
In a recent hospitalization with serious health setbacks, it was enormously reassuring to know that my wife was present, over thee in the chair in the corner, still loving me.
If we have been the beneficiaries of a generous love, can we ever give enough back? Noblesse Oblige.

People will believe what they want to believe.
They will believe despite evidence to the contrary, without checking it out, .
They will believe contrary regardless of facts, needles of verification.
We humans are primed to believe the worst about others, especially if they are prominent or different from us in some way.
Tribal loyalties persist and prevail.
The easiest thing in the world is to find fault.
Rumor and hearsay is contagious.
Without understanding oneself as a flawed, wounded person, it is hard to overlook another's flaws.
The most patient listener to one's trauma is one who has experienced some trauma.
All perception is selective. We choose the world we shall live in by what we focus on.
The cup is half fullor half empty, or maybe it flows over. (Psalm 23)


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