Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

How different are you from others?

Do not all of us feel like we are different from others?  In many ways, perhaps in some ways we will never want to talk about?  Yes.
So what is our challenge today in creating community, if not to welcome the strangers in our midst
Is it not our job to accept and welcome those who are different from us?  For example, the outsiders, the wounded, the "least" among us?
Our father Abraham kept his tent open on four side so he could see visitors arriving in the distance, according to legend. He is regarded as the grandfather of the command which  Jesus included with the Good Samaritan parable, "do likewise!" –help those left in the ditches of life..
Which strangers should we welcome during this Advednt preparation  time?
Day Two. Advent Meditation
Advent time is the four weeks before Christmas designed to invite us to ponder the mystery of God's love w are about to receive in Jesus. .


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