Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Secrets of Intimacy, bookdescription


The average length of first marriages in this country is seven years. Second marriages do not last any longer. The single parent has become our social norm. The hidden epidemic in our country is the loss of our capacity for intimacy needed to sustain marriage.
How do couples who maintain a happy marriage make it work? This book unpacks and explores those desperately needed "secrets." It also offers a step by step guide for couples seeking to both understand and renew their relationship.
Based on research with happily married couples, four decades of listening to couples in conflict and the author's own marriage of 46 years, Dr. Baute guides the reader through a progressive understanding of the skills needed to sustain intimacy "for better or for worse."

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Announcement: workshopon Writing as Ministry, from a spiritual (faith) perspecti9ve.

Title Writing As Ministry, from a spiritual (faith) Perspective
Date Second Saturdays, June 13 to November 14,: 10 a.m.-noon.
Place: Lexington, Ky. Paschal's conference room, off Winchester Road.

Rev. Dr. Paschal Baute, Pastoral Psychologist, was a Benedictine monk for 16 years, a married former Navy Chaplain, now a disabled blind Veteran writing for his Veteran family. He is author of 13 books on kindle and 10 on Amazon.
Focus is exploring and embracing the Mystery of our live and our loves. both the WHY and How of writing from a faith perspective. No fee. Sharing is invited.
Registration required  Email: paschalthestoryteller@gmaikl.com.We will meet at Paschal's conference room off Winchester Road.  For more information, call Paschal's. Cell 8590 293-5302.

Guide is Dr. Paschal Baute, author, storyteller, retired pastoral psychologist will lead this group for six months,June to November/.  Meetings held that his home conference room, @ 4080 Lofgren Ct, just off US 60, Winchester Road, 10 miles from Downtown Lexington, 5 miles from Hamburg.   Group limited to 8. Call 859-293-5302 to register and for further information and directions.

Both the mechanics of writing well and those of formatting for kindle and print will be discussed. Dr. Baute is the author of 13 books on kindle and nine on CreateSpace and Amazon. His spiritual memoir, Resilience of a Dream Catcher (2014) has been widely praised.  His aim in writing is to create a wellness bookshelf  for counselors and caregivers. He hopes to demonstrate that a disabled blind Veteran can still be productive. He has been a Spellbinder® storyteller in our Fayette  Count Public Schools for thousands of children, and for special needs kids and adults for ten years. He has led  workshops on storytelling at annual Kentucky Storytelling conferences.
I would expect to have other published authors, friends, as guest presenters.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Secrets of Intimacy, newest book due June 1, 2015

Secrets of Intimacy, How to Stay on the Nxtt Pillow, 
by Paschal Baute, 2015.
is in final editing and formatting Here is teh Introduction. Next week, look here  foe the Table of Contents.

The average length of a first marriage in the United States is seven years. The average length of a second marriage is about seven years. Vows of "For better or for worse" are no more sustaining the second time than the first. Seventy percent the time, it is women who file for divorce. Women are no better than men in this capacity. The percentage of married couples who reach their 35th anniversary is now only 20%. The overall percentage of children born out of wedlock is 40% . The hidden epidemic in our country is the loss of our capacity for intimacy needed to sustain marriage.
Basically, the single parent is now our social norm. This means that children living with a single parent do not learn the skills of intimacy in sharing that make marriage work. More than ever, the competencies found in intimacy need exploring. How do couples who sustain a happy marriage make it work? This book unpacks and explores those desperately needed "secrets." It also offers a step by step guide for couples seeking to both understand and renew their relationship.
This book is based on research with happily married couples, four decades of listening to couples in conflict and the author's own marriage of 47 years. He guides the read through a progressive understanding of the skills and competencies needed to sustain intimacy "for better or for worse."
Nineteen components and twelve themes are described. Clinical situations from marital counseling point toward specific learning needed. Arenas of self-understanding, emotions and finding fault are explored. Each chapter offers insights for discussion and practical application. Four key stumbling blocks are discussed and remedies described.
Persons or couples willing to examine their capacity for intimacy will find this book a helpful practical guide. Intimacy is viewed as the core competency for building relationships. for marital success and personal fulfillment
Intimacy can be rediscovered at most any stage. However, some building blocks must be in place. Each must bring something new to the relationship. Primarily it must be a decision to let go of the past, in a spirit of forgiveness, acceptance of one's own faults, and a thorough on-going commitment to renewal and rediscovery. These chapters are deemed essential to the rediscovery process. Tips for Forgiveness, Ten agreements for staring, and a treasury of starting over statements.
The Appendix offers an Inventory for self-assessment in avoiding intimacy, as well as the story of the author's own search for intimacy.
This book is also a program of total wellness, for oneself and one's relationships. It is a re-framing of one's life in the context of intimacy, calling us to live wholeheartedly.