A Mission for Those Who Care
An invitation.
Do we care enough for others?
I do not feel as if I can live well without
Attending to the pain and suffering of my brothers and
--wherever that may be.
Who are the most hurting of all in our society?
Allow me to suggest it is the dying.
An estimated 150,000 children and adults die each day.
Humans die in war, in accidents, natural disasters such as
We die by gun violence, by suicide, while seeking asylum.
We die by suicidal bombing, and hate filed domestic
911 Twin Towers, Oklahoma City bombing, shootings in
Charleston, Chattanooga, and the massacre of school children
in Connecticut..
We die in every extreme circumstance, by illness and disease
and starvation,
But often unwillingly, by cruelty or abuse, and sometimes in
slavery, kidnapped
In total, Humans die at
a rate of about 100 every minute each day..
In view of this immense daily suffering and pain of our brothers and sisters,
Can we ignore or remain blind towards what is happening..
Jesus told us the mark of being his follower is caring for
the outsiders,
All those in various
forms of hurting or distress..
Are those who are forced to die today the mos desperate, the
most needy?
We are told Jesus looked upon the face of the criminal dying
nest to him and said:
"This day thou shalt be with me in paradise."
We believe divine and
infinite mercy is available, at every moment.
We ask the Master of Infinite Mercy to look upon the
face of those dying today,
In their very last moment, and whisper to them:
"This day….Come home…be with Me, …..Come into the Light
and Love…
Let those dying experience not despair in their last moment,
But instead, hope in Thy Mercy.
I will pray at least five times each day, five moments, for
the dying.
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy
on those dying today.
"Shine your face of mercy, peace, compassion and
unconditional love upon them.
"Welcome them Home in their last moment on Planet Earth.
"Be gracious to those needing your mercy at their last
From my Catholi Elementary school days, the short ejaculatory prayer
taught us was simply: "My Jesus, Mercy!"
Lord, allow one person to die more easily today.r.
--though I may never know it.
Do not do this, Lord, because of my prayer but because of
Your immense mercy and love toward all your children.
Thank you, Lord. Amen
Paschal Baute.